Friday, October 14, 2005

Emotional problems: How to face them ? Five mantras

Many of us face emotional set backs and problems in life. In this article I will try to give five golden rules to avoid collapse.

  1. Think of the problem as if you are somebody else.
When you look at a problem from a different view, suddenly you see emotions change . That is when you try to view a problem staying away from it, you will be more calm and you can coolly look at the problem and find a solution.
  1. Look at the problem from a distant future.
Assume that years have passed and now you look at the problem, you may find that the pimple you were worried most in your teen age is not at all a problem now. Similarly your current problem may not look that big if you prepare your mind to look at it from the distant future.
  1. Get all the facts about the problem: knowing all the facts about a problem may at times help you to get rid of the fear and give the courage to face it. You may find that many of your fears are not well founded

  2. imagine the worse that can happen has happened:
           Looking at a problem from that point changes your attitude. You will find that the worse is not so much bad as you have feared. Now you can face the problem headlong and overcome it
5.Get help:
    Often the help from a friend or relative will be a soothing.  Even if you are not solving the problem, the knowledge that somebody is there to help and comfort you will be of great advantage. And remember the best friend you can get is the god itself.

kannan Balakrishnan Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Avoiding Quarrels :five golden rules

Many quarrels starts from misunderstandings ,some from incompatibility of
personalities, some from emotional games and a few intentionally. Many
quarrels can be avoided by the following golden rules.
Rule 1 :Look before you jump
Before starting any quarrel,you should wait for a short time to control
your feelings. A composed man can react more reasonably and effectively.If
you want you can simulate artificial anger for the effect.
Rule 2: Jump into opponents Boots before jumping at him.
Think from his position and try to see his emotions and logic. Then
you may understand the situation better and may have some other feelings to
him other than anger.
Rule 3 : Try to avoid the quarrel by talk.
Some times instead of blaming a person,explaining your
situation to him may stop a quarrel. This is one of the most important
Rule 4 :Take words in their good meaning: Many times quarrels errupts
because of misunderstandings. So make sure that you have not misunderstood
other persons words. Try to find the good things in it
Ruke 5: Try a cut off
it experienced that ignoring the other party and cutting off personal
relations for some period saves the day and later paves way for peace of
mind. Reduce talks,xchatting etc with him,try to become more formal etc.
This will reduce the chance of a quarrel.

Monday, October 10, 2005

kannanb Posted by Picasa

Making money over the net. A primer

The art of making money from the internet is very intersting. In this article I give 5 golden tips for money making.

  1. use advertisements

  2. use  link exchange

  3. increase web traffic

  4. sell your products

  5. sell ebooks
In my next articles I will try to elaborate on these.

Are machines really intelligent

Are machines really intelligent? or is it true that intelligence is thurst
upon them? Is the whole field of AI a facade?these are the questions that
haunt me now.
machines never seem to really understand what they do. even when
displaying the picture of the most beautiful thing in the world,they are
dealing with 0s and 1's,and have no sense of beauty. every thing is just
0s and 1's so how can one say that these creatures are intelligent? I
think they can at most be called virtually intelligent, In reality they
are not intelligent!!

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