Saturday, January 28, 2006

Managing elder subordinates: 5 ice tips

My subordinates are very experienced and older than me . How do I control them? ramesh asked me. He was just 26 and working in a managerial position in a multinational company.

Ramesh's problem is not isolated. Many times ,young managers feel unhappy and embarrassed by elder subordinates. This results in total dissatisfaction of the employee and also bad work atmosphere . But you can avoid this by following the five principles given below.

1. Be soft but firm.

Elders often get irritated by a harsh tone from a young manager. But you can be convey the same feelings in a calm cool voice . This will not hurt him.
For example for a late coming person, the question "why are you late today?" can be put in many ways some of which hurting and some very gentle but firm.

2. Try to understand their problems.
Elders may have many problems which may seem irrelevant to you. This may include health related problems,family matters etc. A boss who understands them is more liked than a person who is indifferent to them and demands work without consideration.

3. Value the experience.
Many times the experience of an employee can be useful in handling situations. You as a manager can get their opinion about the problem at hand and try to improvise on the solution. Also discussions with elders valuing their opinions will be very much helpful to you in maintain a relationship.

4. Give them the pride by delegating.
After some time you get a feel of the capabilities and and limitations of each. If you find a subordinate capable you can make him feel a position by delegating important work to him. Only thing is that he should not have a feeling that you are delegating because of your incapability.
5. keep your cool.
Inspire of all these ,if you find that the situation is tense or unpleasing. try to keep your cool and handle it. It any even be better to leave it as it is for some time before you handle it. A gap may reduce the tension in the atmosphere

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Making money over the internet: A 5 step formula By kannan Balakrishnan

Making money over the internet: A 5 step formula

Getting rich is the dream of many. And internet is a good medium to get rich fast. But one have to do a great deal of homework and consistent effort to get rich. In this short exposure Kannan Balalakrishnan, the great Indian writer tells about the five step procedure to make money using internet.

Step1. Have a basic knowledge about internet.
Internet is a vibrant medium. It is also highly dynamic and evolving. What is selling today may be considered garbage tomorrow. So anybody planning to do an internet business should have a basic knowledge about internet, its evolving trends and the possibilities.
Step2: Get a business idea:
If you think that you have ingenuity, originality and enough time, you can workout your own business idea. Or if you are ready to research a little you can get enough articles discussing original business ideas. If you are a butterfly on the internet, you can adapt the idea from a successful business site (of course without infringing the intellectual property rights) and make your own variations of it. If you are still lazier you can approach a consultant for the purpose. The important thing is that you must have an idea.
Step3: Work out the idea to minute detail.
An abstract idea like “I should have a site selling books” will not fetch you money. So many things have to be decided upon. What content you should have on the site, how you interact with customers, how do you prevent frauds, how do you advertise your site and so on. Another very important thing is the user interface .In all these things a consultant may be of help to you, but if you want to learn and innovate he may be a hindrance too. This phase is a little time consuming, but it lets you weave dreams about your business. Also it is advised to document your design dreams. because these forms the blueprint of your business.

Step4. Implement the business:
Once you have the complete idea of a web business you must start implementing it. If your site permits you can go for an incremental implementation, starting with a minimum set of features and adding new features gradually. This will help you to start earning from an early stage. The advertisement can go side by side. In many phases you may have to get external help or advice.

Step5 Constantly improvise.
As I have said earlier trends in internet are changing at a rapid phase and if you do not make changes in the interface and working style of your site will not be liked by people. So you must constantly watch competing or similar sites and evolve your site over time. The feedback from the users is a good indicator in this regard. Also you must be willing to diversify ,expand and even divert your business according to market forces and user needs.

I would like to get your feedback regarding this article. Please feel free to mail me your opinions.

Kannan Balakrishnan is an Indian writer. He maintains a blog which contains his articles as well as articles of selected authors on web business. His email is He also gives advice on internet business related matters

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Making a cool Business web site: Five great IDeas

Doing business over the web has many advantages. First of all you have got a round the clock business. Secondly your business is no longer confined by your location. But what I consider the greatest thing of all is the freedom you enjoy. You can work and earn from the coolness of your home. No superiors, nobody to ask you questions: a really free bird you are. In this article I will try to introduce the concepts of five kinds of websites you can easily design. The Ideas are so general that anybody can adapt it to your taste and improvise. Your creative talents and imagination can implement these ideas with an unlimited number of variations, giving you a wide range of opportunities. I do not discuss techniques of generating traffic and building an income from these sites. That will be told separately.

1.Place or location sites
Tourists all over the world are eager to get up-to-date information on places they want to visit. People of a place are generally anxious to know about things happening around them. So if you can make a site on a particular location, your neighbourhood or a place nearby or even a distant place likes London it will be a good idea. Only thing is that you should search for and find useful information which is not available elsewhere. Generally such sites have a static part and a dynamic part .Static part deals with content that change slowly, while dynamic part deals with events and even creative thoughts that are updated frequently . Using a good combination of both can help you win the hearts of many. We discuss place sites in a separate article

2. Fan sites: Sites centred on great personalities is attracting many people. The main advantage of these types of sites is that you do not have to go out for information. A good search on internet will often result in thousands of sites about the personality. Then what is your job? You have to arrange the information in your own way that people find the content you provide more interesting and well organised. Also you can interpret the facts in your own way and arrive at interesting conclusions. If the person is alive options are much more wider and a little research may make your site unique. Again the many ways of generating income from a fan site will be discussed separately.

3. Theme sites: These are more general than the first two. Here we concentrate on a particular theme and build a site around it. The theme can be anything, like chess or fashion or movies or anything imaginable. You can provide interesting facts about the subject, History of the theme, current status, interviews, controversies and what not!! As I have mentioned earlier this is a place you can display your ingenuity and original thinking.

4. Trade sites:
Trading has a long history. Everybody wants to buy or sell something. This is the relevance of trade sites. These sites provide a global market place for buyers and sellers. You can choose any type of item to sell and allow people to add items to your site. This will be initially free but later a fee may be imposed. Trade site can be constructed in a variety of ways, and closely related are matrimonial and job sites. Again the options are limited only by your imagination.

5. Community sites.
Often people of a community or institution or company ,want a common place to interact and exchange ideas. Also there may be many people and institutions who constantly interact with this community. The official website of the community will have always limitations. Imagine the barber nearer to your company trying to interact with the employees through the official website. So an unofficial website of the community have high potential of attracting viewers from and outside the community. Selling and buying inside the group is also a possibility. Again possibilities and variations are endless.

In this short exposure I have tried to identify five areas where you can build a website with minimal expertise. Your comments on these topics are always welcome. Also if you want help or consultancy in building a profitable web business feel free to contact me.
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